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Licensee Information
Kimberly Ann Rikard - PA-C
See: Actions-Adverse & Administrative Tab

Section 1: Adverse Actions

North Carolina Medical Board Public Actions

None Reported

Other Regulatory Board or Agency Public Actions

DateName of Board/AgencyAction TakenLink
None Reported

Health Care Institution Suspensions and Revocations

DateHealth Care InstitutionAction Taken
None Reported

Section 2: Administrative Actions

Actions listed in this section are considered non-disciplinary by the Board. In situations where administrative actions are taken, the licensee may not have met certain statutory requirements or may have failed to follow correct administrative procedures.

North Carolina Medical Board Reentry Agreement

The NCMB requires license applicants who have not actively practiced clinical medicine for two or more years to complete a program of reentry to demonstrate that they are competent to practice. A reentry candidate must complete a period of practice under the supervision of an approved mentor before he or she can obtain a full and unrestricted license.

03/06/2025 Reentry Agreement View

North Carolina Special Purpose Licensing Agreement

None Reported
Information loaded from this database is current as of 3/14/2025 8:31:48 PM
